Is Pruning Trees In And Around Towns Or Cities A Necessary Practice.
There are lots of opinions on whether a tree owner should prune the tree or not. The severity of the pruning is a particular talking point. Of course before pruning trees is carried out it is essential that you the tree owner carry out local Conservation and Tree Preservation Order checks with your local authority.
When pruning trees you are looking to:-
- Remove Dead Wood Or Dangerous Trees
- Vista Pruning
- Crown Thinning
- Cutting Back From Property
- Reducing Height To Lessen Water Uptake
- CAUTION: Tree pruning can be dangerous consulting a Tree Care specialist is advisable.

If you are going to prune your own tree it is best to start when the tree is young. Formative pruning - many problems can be prevented by pruning correctly during the early years of a trees life.
- Remove dead dying or diseased branches, rubbing branches or to remove stubs or limbs that have snapped
- Not best practice and controversial. Unfortunately there is a place for it depending on the proximity a tree is to a building or the level of decay is dictating that the amount of sail the root system is supporting needs to be reduced.
- Large or mature trees really should be left to the professional Arborist. Health and Safety is the most important aspect in tree care, a trees branch structure is off the ground and more often than not the best way to prune a tree is to be on a rope and harness. Allowing the climber to access the interior of the crown and reach selected growth points or limbs earmarked for removal. Best Practice techniques are needed when removing wood from a live tree a well trained Arborist will ensure that your tree is not going to suffer from tearing or ripping bark beyond the final cut.
- As with any type of work the right tool for the job is essential. Obviously a professional arborist will use a chainsaw for most of the heavy duty cutting work. A selection of hand tools are also used, pruning saw, pole saw, secateurs, long handle secateurs, leaf rake.
Pruning trees to promote plant growth
Pruning trees to reduce or top
Pruning large trees
Using the right tools